The Learning Never Stops!
Aviation is complicated business, and it can be deadly if not undertaken with the right mindset. Our goal here at Code 7700 is to prepare you to avoid the day you will need to Squawk 7700, but if that day ever comes, to prepare you to deal with it competently.
Our Latest Update
Their aircraft was a technological marvel, able to cross oceans faster, higher, and more economically than anything that came before. And yet, there they were. Fiona raised her voice for both men to hear clearly. “First, it appears we do not control pitch, roll, or yaw. Second, we do not control engine speed. Third, unless we regain control, we become someone’s missile to throw at a target of their choosing.” Both men sat quietly. “In this cockpit of ours, we have no physical connection to any of the flight controls or to the engines. Someone, we don’t know who or how, has taken control from us. What am I missing?”
New book: "Fly by Wired"

Our Previous Update:
To say I struggle with automation would be an understatement. On the one hand, I fully embrace it all when it is introduced. On the other hand, I don't trust myself to keep on top of it all. Yes, I think the electrons are mostly honest and the procedures mostly well thought out. But I think we are all well advised to understand exactly what it is we are trusting, work hard to verify these systems are doing what they should be doing, and adjust when needed. And when we find ourselves in over our heads, we should be ready to flee the situation by putting the airplane on a trajectory to get out of danger.
Trust, Verify, Adjust, Escape!
Another Previous Update
We pilots tend to be competitive by nature and that can lead to a shortsighted view of the world when it comes to reaching for our goals. I caution my children to resist the urge to compare themselves to their friends because that will either lead them to becoming satisfied with the progress too quickly or to becoming forever frustrated because different people have different strengths. Having been surrounded by people who turn everything into a competitive race, I have learned to embrace another thought: there is no race, only the runner.
There is no Race