I am pleased to announce I've finally figured out how to do a weekly newsletter that (a) keeps you up-to-date with all things about Code 7700, (b) gives you the chance to download free PDF versions of the most popular articles, and (c) protects your privacy with a secure email service provider. Please sign up below, your email will only be used for this newsletter and you can unsubscribe anytime.

— James Albright





In general, the schedule is:

  • First Monday each month: a PDF article about a flight technique or procedure, a leadership topic, or an accident case study
  • Second Monday each month: an in-depth review of a book about flying
  • Third Monday each month: an in-depth review of a movie about flying
  • Fourth Monday each month: I answer Code 7700 mail
  • Fifth Monday (if any) each month: story time

All this begins February 1st, 2024 with the first newsletter sent out February 5th, the first Monday of the month. To sign up . . .
