The Learning Never Stops!
Aviation is complicated business, and it can be deadly if not undertaken with the right mindset. Our goal here at Code 7700 is to prepare you to avoid the day you will need to Squawk 7700, but if that day ever comes, to prepare you to deal with it competently.
Our Latest Update
Why is it that some pilots are in a terrible rush to push the rudder to the floor following an engine failure in the simulator, but somehow forget the rudder exists if an engine fails in the airplane? Nearby terrain complicates matters. Modern jets with yaw dampers and turn coordinators practically make the rudder obsolete in many pilots' minds, except for takeoff and landing. Even with an engine failed, sometimes pilots ignore the rudder. That seems to be the case here, with two highly experienced pilots. Case Study: United Airlines 863

Our Previous Update:
Science? Do you need to know science to fly airplanes? No. But if you want to really understand your craft, you need to know something about aerodynamics. And all that begins with the purest form of physics: the field of mechanics. This most recent update is meant to complement the free PDF you will have received in a newsletter. You are subscribed, aren't you? All About Mechanics (The Science)
An Index of Previous Updates
If you remember seeing something on "Homeplate" in the last two years, you will find it here, in a list of recent lead stories. Lead Stories . . .