There are various U.S. and international regulations with opinions on how to best annotate your master document, but no one way.
— James Albright

Whatever method you choose, you should be able to explain it if an inspector ever comes knocking on your door. The method shown here has served many well for all these years...

Advisory Circular 91-70B
Adopt an appropriate symbology to indicate the status of each waypoint listed on the master document. For example:
- The first pilot could circle the waypoint, waypoint number, or symbol on the master document to signify that they have independently cross-checked the entry of the coordinates in the navigation computer.
- The second pilot could then tick or diagonally slash the circled waypoint, waypoint number, or symbol to signify having performed the cross-check to include confirming the course and distance information within a specified tolerance (e.g., plus or minus 2° and 2 NM).
Source: AC 91-70B, ¶
North Atlantic
- The waypoint number is entered against the relevant waypoint coordinates to indicate that the waypoint has been inserted into the navigation computers.
- The waypoint number is circled, to signify that insertion of the correct coordinates in the navigation computers has been double-checked independently by another crew member.
- The circled waypoint number is ticked, to signify that the relevant track and distance information has been double-checked.
- The circled waypoint number is crossed out, to signify that the aircraft has overflown the waypoint concerned.
Source: NAT Doc 007, ¶ 8.2.7.
A technique
The waypoint or waypoint number (for aircraft LRNS requiring numbered waypoints) is circled to indicate that the course and distance information has been compared to the plotting chart and its database coordinates have been checked.
A diagonal line will be drawn through the circled waypoint to show that the course and distance displayed in the FMS has been verified against the Master Document and plotting or en route chart.
Following acknowledgement of the position report, a second diagonal line will be drawn through the circled waypoint (creating an “X”) on the Master Document to indicate these duties have been completed.
(Source material)
Advisory Circular 91-70B, Oceanic and International Operations, 10/4/16, U.S. Department of Transportation
ICAO Nat Doc 007, North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual, v. 2021-1, applicable from February 2021