The Learning Never Stops!
Aviation is complicated business, and it can be deadly if not undertaken with the right mindset. Our goal here at Code 7700 is to prepare you to avoid the day you will need to Squawk 7700, but if that day ever comes, to prepare you to deal with it competently.
Our Latest Update
I recently heard that a major aircraft engine manufacturer blamed an engine control fault on a bit flip, meaning a cosmic ray made it to the Electronic Engine Control and rewrote the software. I'm not sure I buy this. Bit Flips
Our Previous Update:
Having started my big airplane career with a cockpit crew of four, then three (lost the navigator), and then two (lost the flight engineer), I must admit to being a bit agnostic about the debate for going back to three pilots on the flight deck. On the one hand, it is another person to worry about. On the other hand, when things go wrong, having a third pilot up front can be a life saver. Take the example of United Airlines Flight 1175. Case Study: United Airlines 1175
An Index of Previous Updates
If you remember seeing something on "Homeplate" in the last two years, you will find it here, in a list of recent lead stories. Lead Stories . . .