About ten years ago I had an expanded SAFA checklist that could be customized to any operation and give you a very easy way to ensure you had all your bases covered. Ah those were the good old days! Things are much more complicated now. But you can survive.
— James Albright

You may have thought "SAFA" was the ramp inspection. It never really was, but since it has been divided into two parts, we now know what we are having is part of a Ramp Inspection Program (RIP) given for a Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA). The EU aircraft are getting their own version, called the Safety Assessment of Community Aircraft (SACA).
To learn more about all of this, see: EU Ramp Inspection Program (RIP). What follows here are a collection of the various inspection items, grouped in a way to align the various categories, and to list the possible Pre-Described Findings (PDFs).
All of this may seem overly complicated and designed to keep you guessing. I think it is actually designed to simplify the inspector's task. He or she will have an inspection checklist written in his or her language designed to produce the PDFs. These PDFs will be presented in your language.

The inspector's guidance
The inspector's guidance, EU SAFA Inspection Instructions, all 432 pages of it, can be quite intimidating, hard to read, and tempt one to give up on making sense of it all. In the past, I've turned it into the inspection item, quotes from the governing regulations, and examples on how we prove compliance. As the EU SAFA program has matured, the guidance material seems to have gotten more complicated. But there is sense to be made of it.
The key to understanding the new methodology is that there are "Pre-Described Findings," or PDF's. The inspector will have a PDF, such as "Landing gear safety lock pin(s) missing or defective," but written in the inspector's native language. He will cite you in that case for a SAFA-C05-02. Your finding will be translated into your native language.
The next issue is an old one: the inspector's guidance was written by a number of committees that didn't coordinate efforts and there is a lot of duplication in these PDFs.
My Expanded Checklist
Rather than present a list of PDFs or citing documents, I've grouped PDFs into issues, listed the PDF numbers, and included the citing document codes. Reading the categories tells you how to prepare, doing a page search for the PDFs helps you find the item you have been accused of violating, and the citations show you which document controls it.
A Note to Non-Commercial Operators
First off, you may have heard that as a general aviation (Part 91) operator, the SAFA inspectors don't care about you. Not true. They are usually busy with commercial operators but they are authorized to inspect you. In fact, they have told me that in so many words. So don't think you are off the hook.
Secondly, one of the most often cited documents, Annex 6, Volume 1, is devoted to commercial operators. Annex 6, Volume II, which applies to general aviation, isn't nearly as complete. So where only Volume I is cited, I have this asterisk:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
That doesn't mean you are off the hook. Inspectors will cite you even if there isn't a non-commercial document to do so. They've done this many times with MELs, for example. In the examples that follow, I'll simply say it doesn't apply to us. But if I can prove we comply nevertheless, I'll do so.
Citing Documents
What follows are the references used by the inspectors to determine a Pre-Described Finding (PDF). The two main categories are called "Documents" or "Annexes." You can find them at: https://store.icao.int/en/annexes.
- Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO) (also known as Chicago Convention). It is made available as CAO Doc 7300/0, Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO) (also known as Chicago Convention), 9th Edition, 2006.
- ICAO Annex 1 (12th Edition July 2018, Amendment 175, 16 July 2018). Referred to as "A1" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 2 (10th Edition July 2005, Amendment 46, 16 July 2018). Referred to as "A2" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 6, Part I (11th Edition July 2018, Amendment 43, 16 July 2018). Referred to as "A6" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 7 (6th Edition, July 2012, Amendment 6, 16 July 2012). Referred to as "A7" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 8 (12th Edition, July 2018, Amendment 106, 08 November 2018). Referred to as "A8" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 10, Volume III (Second Edition July 2007, Amendment 90, 11 July 2016) and Volume IV (Fifth Edition July 2014, Amendment 90, 16 July 2018). Referred to as "A10" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 15 (16th Edition, July 2018, Amendment 40, 16 July 2018). Referred to as "A15" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Annex 16, Volume I (8th Edition, July 2017, Amendment 12, 21 July 2017). Referred to as "A16" in the PDsS.
- ICAO Annex 18, (4th Edition, July 2011, Amendment 12, 13 July 2015). Referred to as "A18" in the PDFs.
- European (EUR) Regional Supplementary Procedures (ICAO Doc 7030) (5th Edition, 2008, Amendment 9, 25 April 2014). Referred to as "EUR" in the PDFs.
- ICAO Doc 4444, Procedures for Air Navigation Services (16th edition, 2016, Amendment 9, 15 June 2020)
- ICAO Doc 9284, Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (2017-2018 Edition, Addendum No. 2/Corrigendum No. 1)
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) N°923/2012 laying down the common rules of the air and operational provisions regarding services and procedures in air navigation and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1035/2011 and Regulations (EC) No 1265/2007, (EC) No 1794/2006, (EC) No 730/2006, (EC) No 1033/2006 and (EU) No 255/2010
In some cases no citing document is given, in these cases I leave the entry blank.
What you need to know: You don't necessarily need a copy of every ICAO Annex and Document to fly internationally, the extracts in your Jeppesen series may be good enough. But having them will give you the real answers rather than someone's interpretation.
The various issues
Issue: ACAS
SAFA-A03-02: ACAS II N/A or U/S (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-A03-03: Aeroplane not equipped with ACAS II collision avoidance logic version 7.1, but mitigating measures in place.
SAFA-A03-10: Aeroplane not equipped with ACAS II collision avoidance logic version 7.1.
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is equipped with a Honeywell TPA-100 TCAS, Part Number 940-0452-001, Installed in the RH Radio Rack.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.19.1
Std. ref: AUR.ACAS.1005(1), A10-IV-, A10-IV-
Issue: Airworthiness / Registration
SAFA-A01-13: Equipment installations obviously not in compliance with Annex 8, Part IIIA/B, Chapter 4
SAFA-A01-15: Unsafe features and characteristics. Under all anticipated operating conditions, the aeroplane shall not possess any feature or characteristic that renders it unsafe.
SAFA-A08-01: CofR format not in accordance with Annex 7
SAFA-A08-02: No English translation of the CofR
SAFA-A08-03: No fireproof identification plate or mismatch of data on CofR and identification plate
SAFA-A08-04: No valid CofR or cannot be shown by crew
SAFA-A08-05: A valid CofR was issued but not carried on board.
SAFA-A12-01: Format of CofA not in accordance with Annex 8 requirements
SAFA-A12-02: No English translation of the CofA
SAFA-A12-03: CofA not issued/rendered valid by the State of registry
SAFA-A12-04: A valid CofA was issued but not carried on board at the time of the inspection.
SAFA-A12-05: Endorsed CofA without permission of the State of inspection
SAFA-A12-06: No valid CofA issued or CofA invalid/expired
Our Proof of Compliance:
This aircraft has not been modified since initial type certification except by certified means, such as an STC. The aircraft is inspected regularly and no unsafe characteristics have been found. The certificate of registration is written in accordance with U.S. criteria.
To meet the requirement in Appendix 7, ¶ 9.2, "The identification plate shall be secured to the aircraft in a prominent position near the main entrance." The only exceptions given are for unmanned free balloons or drones. Inspectors have been willing to look the other way since such a plate wasn't an option on Gulfstreams until 2013. They are now standard equipment. I've never heard of an inspector citing a Gulfstream operator, but now that it is an option I suppose it will be harder and harder to claim "it isn't available on a Gulfstream."
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A7-7.1
Std. ref: A7-7.2
Std. ref: A7-8
Std. ref: CC-29a
Std. ref: CC-29b
Std. ref: CC-31
Std. ref: CC-39a
Std. ref: CC-40
Std. ref: A8-II-3.3.1
Std. ref: A8-II-3.3.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.4, A8-IIIB-1.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.5.1, A8-IIIA-1.5.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-1.4
Issue: AOC
SAFA-A10-01*: Layout of the AOC and/or the operations specifications not in accordance with provisions of Annex 6
SAFA-A10-02*: Information in the operations specifications not in accordance with Annex 6
SAFA-A10-03*: Information in AOC incorrect
SAFA-A10-04*: No English translation of the AOC and/or operations specifications
SAFA-A10-05*: Commercial Air Transport operations not in accordance with the operations specifications
SAFA-A10-06*: Commercial Air Transport operations without a valid AOC
SAFA-A10-08*: A valid AOC (either original or certified true copy) and/or operations specifications for the flights performed was issued but not carried on board at the time of the inspection.
SAFA-A10-09*: Third Country Operator not holding a valid TCO Authorisation (operations to/from/within EU)
SAFA-A10-10*: Third Country Operator performing operations not in accordance with the operations specifications associated to the TCO Authorisation (operations to/from/within EU)
SAFA-A10-11*: Third Country Operator holding a valid TCO Authorisation (operations to/from/within EU) but operating an aircraft not listed on the TCO web interface
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I- A6-I- A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.1.2
Std. ref: Regulation 2018/1139 Art. 60
Std. ref: TCO.200
Issue: Baggage
SAFA-B13-01*: Hard or heavy baggage stored in open hat-racks
SAFA-B13-02*: Baggage stowed in unserviceable overhead bins
SAFA-B13-03*: Oversized baggage transported in the cabin not adequately secured
SAFA-B13-04*: Baggage not stowed securely
SAFA-B13-05*: Overhead bins loaded in excess of the placarded weight limitation
Our Proof of Compliance:
We do not have hat racks or overhead bins. We do not permit carry on baggage other than hand held items in the cabin. If oversized baggage is transported in the cabin, it will be secured to an adjacent and unoccupied seat.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.8
Issue: Cabin Crew and Stations
SAFA-B02-01*: Strap or buckle worn or damaged
SAFA-B02-02*: Cabin crew seat(s) not equipped with safety harness (only seat belt)
SAFA-B02-03*: Cabin crew life jackets (when required) not easily accessible
SAFA-B02-04*: Cabin crew seat(s) unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B02-05*: Cabin crew harness/seat belt not available or unserviceable on required cabin crew seats (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B02-06*: Cabin crew seats not correctly located
SAFA-B02-07: Communication equipment unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B11-01*: Cabin crew member(s) not familiar with the cabin emergency procedures
SAFA-B11-02*: Cabin crew not familiar with the location and/or operation of emergency equipment
AFA-B11-03*: Insufficient number of cabin crew members
SAFA-B11-07*: Cabin crew member not in compliance with the flight and duty time rules
Our Proof of Compliance:
We do not have a cabin attendant's station or crew rest area. Cabin attendants attend regular emergency procedure training. Cabin crew member flight and duty time rules are identical to pilot rules, specified in the Company Operations Manual section 4.2.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.16.1
Std. ref: A6-I-6.16.3
Std. ref: A6-I-12.1
Std. ref: A6-I-4.10.2
Std. ref: A6-I-Appendix 2, 2
Issue: Cargo Compartment
SAFA-D01-01: Minor defects with limited effect on safety
SAFA-D01-02: Equipment installations obviously not in compliance with Annex 8, Part IIIA/B, Chapter 4
SAFA-D01-03: Ground servicing markings not applied or unreadable
SAFA-D01-04: Cargo bay smoke detection test fail or outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-D01-05: Blow-out panels pushed, damaged or missing (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-D01-06: Damage to panelling and/or lining outside limits
SAFA-D01-07: Unserviceable fire extinguishing system and the affected cargo compartment is used
SAFA-D01-08: Floor locks unserviceable outside dispatch limits/conditions (with cargo)
SAFA-D01-09: No or unserviceable required barrier net
SAFA-D01-10: No smoke barrier/curtain (if applicable)
SAFA-D01-11: Structural or floor damage outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-D01-12: Cargo compartment (s) not equipped with fire suppression systems
SAFA-D01-13: Cargo compartment lighting damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft does not have a cargo compartment.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-II-3.5
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.4,
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.5
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.6.(g)
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-1.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-1.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.2 (g)
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.6.2, A8-V-7.6.2
Issue: Cargo Stowage
SAFA-D03-01*: Minor damage to lashing, tie-down equipment, pallets, lock assemblies and/or containers
SAFA-D03-02*: Incomplete equipment like lashing, tie-down equipment, pallets, lock assemblies and/or containers
SAFA-D03-03*: Cargo Area not used in accordance with classification
SAFA-D03-04*: Cargo not correctly secured and restrained in all directions
SAFA-D03-05*: Major damage to lashing, tie-down equipment, pallets, lock assemblies and/or containers affecting the structural integrity and their intended function
SAFA-D03-06*: Dividing net or protection net damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-D03-07*: Load distribution/load limit (floor and/or height) exceeded
Our Proof of Compliance:
We do not have a cargo compartment. The baggage compartment is inspected regularly for damage to lashing and other securing devices and any deficiencies are addressed immediately. We check the load distribution and limit prior to every flight.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1e
Issue: Checklists
SAFA-A05-01*: Checklists do not conform with the checklist details in the operations manual
SAFA-A05-02*: No checklist details in the operations manual
SAFA-A05-03*: Normal and emergency checklists not readily accessible to all relevant flight crew members
SAFA-A05-04*: Checklists not covering all flight phases
SAFA-A05-05*: Different versions of checklists used by captain and co-pilot
SAFA-A05-06*: No normal and emergency checklists available
SAFA-A05-07*: Checklists not matching the current aircraft configuration
SAFA-A05-08*: Checklists revision number/reference missing, but content in accordance with operations manual
SAFA-A05-09*: Checklists do not take into account latest relevant documentation from the aircraft manufacturer
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft operating manual is located in the PlaneBook App on each pilot's iPad.
Our electronic checklists are manufacturer approved and taken directly from the AFM. The electronic checklist is accessible to both pilots. Both pilots have the complete copy in the AFM available on their iPads.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.2.6
Std. ref: A6-I-6.1.4
Issue: CVR
SAFA-A03-07*: Cockpit Voice Recorder inoperative (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
A CVR is installed and operative as required by the MEL.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Issue: Dangerous Goods
SAFA-A04-08: No information and instructions in operations manual on the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency (DG on board)
SAFA-D02-01: Incorrect or incomplete information in NOTOC [Notification to Captain], not concerning CAO packages
SAFA-D02-02: Incorrect or incomplete information in NOTOC, concerning CAO packages
SAFA-D02-03: CAO-cargo (Cargo Aircraft Only) carried on passenger flights
SAFA-D02-04: Damaged and/or leaking packages/overpacks containing DG
SAFA-D02-05: Dangerous goods not correctly loaded and/or secured
SAFA-D02-06: DG label incorrect or missing
SAFA-D02-07: Required identification tag not properly filled in or partly invisible (no CAO packages inside)
SAFA-D02-08: Required identification tag missing (CAO packages inside)
SAFA-D02-09: DG identification tag improperly used
SAFA-D02-10: DG identification tag not compliant with technical instructions
SAFA-D02-11: Dangerous goods carried as limited quantities or excepted quantities but limits exceeded
SAFA-D02-12: Dangerous goods not packed in accordance with proper packing instructions
SAFA-D02-13: DG not stowed and/or separated in accordance with the Technical Instructions
SAFA-D02-14: Hazardous and/or radioactive contamination not removed
SAFA-D02-15: Required NOTOC missing
SAFA-D02-16: DG carried in the cabin or on the flight deck not permitted by the provisions of the technical instructions
SAFA-D02-17: No access to DG packages labeled “Cargo aircraft only” where required
SAFA-D02-18: Transport of forbidden dangerous goods
SAFA-D02-19: Dangerous goods not accompanied by shipper's declaration when so required
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our policy is to not carry hazardous materials, as specified in our Company Operations Manual, Chapter 11, section 11.1, and Chapter 6, Section 6.5.4. The operations manual is located in the FOS Documents folder on each pilot's iPad. Emergency procedures are contained in the AFM located in each pilot's iPad.
We do not carry dangerous goods. The dangerous goods program is located in COM section 11.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A18-5.1
Std. ref: A18-8.1
Std. ref: A18-8.3
Std. ref: A18-8.4
Std. ref: A18-8.7
Std. ref: A18-8.8
Std. ref: A18-8.9
Std. ref: A18-9.1
Std. ref: A18-9.2
Issue: EFBs
SAFA-A03-08*: EFB functions affecting the safe operation of the aircraft used without back-up
SAFA-A03-11*: EFB mounting device or viewable stowage device obstructing forward visual or physical access to controls, display or external vision.
SAFA-A03-12*: The viewable stowage device used does not adequately secure the EFB.
SAFA-A03-13*: No operational approval of EFB functions affecting the safe operation of the aircraft.
Our Proof of Compliance:
Each pilot carries an iPad fully loaded with the operations manual, the flight manual, performance apps, and suitable charts for the route. Each pilot also carries an iPhone with several backup apps. The cockpit includes two USB power ports on each side to provide power to each pilot's iPad and iPhone. the cockpit displays also contain the suitable instrument charts, as shown:
Company policy allows iPad usage from deployable table. While this table may be deployed per aircraft limitations for takeoff and landing, our policy is to have the iPads secured during takeoff and landing.
The GVII-G500 / GVII-G-600 Type Certification Data Sheet (T00021AT, Revision 3) documents the aircraft's PED tolerance
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.3
Std. ref: A6-I-6.25.1
Std. ref: 6-I-6.25.3
Issue: Emergency Exits / Lighting
SAFA-A02-01: Access to emergency exit impeded
SAFA-A02-02: Emergency exits U/S
SAFA-A02-03: If applicable, flight deck escape facilities (ropes, hatches, harnesses) not available or unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B07-01: Emergency exit sign(s) lens/cover missing or broken
SAFA-B07-02: Some of the cabin crew members have no serviceable portable lights available/readily accessible during night operations
SAFA-B07-03: None of the cabin crew members have a serviceable portable light available/readily accessible during night operations
SAFA-B07-04: Emergency exit sign(s) out of order (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B07-05: No means for illuminating the escape paths
SAFA-B07-06: System for visually indicating the escape path(s) unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions).
SAFA-B07-07: Emergency exit(s) not marked with the appropriate operating instructions
SAFA-B07-09: Emergency exit(s), lighting and marking unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B07-10: Number of passengers on board exceeds the maximum allowed in case of unserviceable emergency exit(s)
SAFA-B12-01: [Access to emergency exits] Floor/carpet in poor condition affecting the rapid evacuation
SAFA-B12-02: Damaged wall panel or cabin crew seat lower stowage container access door latches not secure or unserviceable in the vicinity of emergency exit, possibly obstructing the exit
SAFA-B12-03: Not-recessed tray table latch can be opened in the direction of evacuation (no one-way lock)
SAFA-B12-04: Not-recessed tray table latch can be opened in the direction of evacuation (for retrofitted aircraft)
SAFA-B12-05: Access to emergency exits impeded by baggage or cargo
SAFA-B12-06: Access to emergency exits impeded by seats (total rows)
SAFA-B12-07: Cabin crew seat does not retract automatically impeding the access to emergency exit
SAFA-B12-08: Access to emergency exits impeded by seats (oversized seat cushions)
SAFAB12-09: Tray table locks fail to maintain the tables in upright position in case of deceleration, shocks (for seats not adjacent to emergency exits)
SAFA-B12-10: Tray table locks fail to maintain the tables in upright position in case of deceleration, shocks (for seats adjacent to emergency exits)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The four exits are clearly marked and seating areas are as certified; the crew inspects the area as passengers embark and are seated.
Emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, life vests, rafts, PBE, first aid and medical kits) are in clearly marked locations. Emergency exits are inspected prior to every flight as pilots remove locks.
Our configuration is as originally designed.
We do not allow baggage or cargo near the emergency exits.
Our tray tables are recessed and are not behind seats that would impact egress.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.10(f)
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.2-4
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-6.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.7
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-8.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-8.5
Std. ref: A8-V-6.3, A8-IIIB-6.3
Std. ref: A8-V-6.3
Issue: Equipment
SAFA-A03-01*: Required equipment installed but not being used during operation by crew.
SAFA-A03-06*: Required navigation equipment N/A or U/S (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The instruments and equipment are as originally delivered.
All flight documents are maintained in apps on iPads issued to all pilots.
Primary documents are kept in an app called ARINC Flight Operations Software (FOS) that are maintained by a full time dispatcher, updated automatically online and available off line.
Instrument charts are maintained on an App called JeppFD, updated regularly and available off line. Aircraft specific documents are maintained by an app called PlaneBook, updated regularly and available offline.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.4
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.6
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.8
Std. ref: A6-I-7.5.2
Issue: Fatigue / Duty Day / Rest
SAFA-A04-03: No rules on flight time, flight duty and rest time limitations in the operations manual
SAFA-A20-20*: Flight crew member not in compliance with the flight and duty time rules
Our Proof of Compliance:
The operations manual is located in the FOS Documents folder on each pilot's iPad.
The flight time, flight duty period, duty period and rest period limitations are located in COM section 4.3. The Fatigue Risk Management System is located in COM section 2.11.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.10.2abc
Std. ref: A6-I-Appendix 2, 2
Issue: First Aid / Medical
SAFA-B02-01*: Medical supplies not at the indicated location
SAFA-B02-02*: Contents of the medical kit past expiration date
SAFA-B02-03*: Contents of the first-aid kit and/or universal precaution kit past expiration date
SAFA-B02-04: Medical supplies not identified as such
SAFA-B02-05*: Medical supplies not available or not accessible during flight
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.5.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3
Std. ref: A8-V-6.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-6.3
Issue: Flight Controls
SAFA-C03-02: Hydraulic leak outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C03-03: Static discharger(s) missing (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C03-04: Flight controls unserviceable
SAFA-C03-06: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with minor influence on safety
SAFA-C03-07: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with significant influence on safety
SAFA-C03-08: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary or primary structure elements with major influence on safety
SAFA-C03-09: Bonding wires broken or missing with minor impact on flight safety
SAFA-C03-10: Bonding wires broken or missing with significant impact on flight safety
SAFA-C03-11: Bonding wires broken or missing with major impact on flight safety
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is inspected regularly for hydraulic leaks, loose or missing static dischargers, fasteners, bonding wires, as well as properly operating flight controls. Any discrepancies are corrected immediately.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-II-3.5
Issue: Flight Crew
SAFA-A20-01: Form and/or content not in compliance with ICAO standard (licence, medical certificate)
SAFA-A20-02*: No crew member holds a valid R/T licence/rating
SAFA-A20-04: Language proficiency endorsement expired
SAFA-A20-05: Language proficiency endorsement missing or lower than the required operational level (Level 4)
SAFA-A20-06: Flight crew member(s) having obvious difficulty speaking in English, despite holding a valid ELP endorsement
SAFA-A20-07: No endorsement of the required English language proficiency, but the flight crew member can obviously communicate effectively in English
SAFA-A20-08: No English translation of ICAO required items of the licence
SAFA-A20-09: No mention of ICAO medical class
SAFA-A20-10: No proper validation issued by the State of registry
SAFA-A20-11*:Spare correcting spectacles not available (for multi-pilot operations)
SAFA-A20-12: Flight crew member without appropriate licence/rating
SAFA-A20-13: Medical certificate invalid for the privileges being exercised
SAFA-A20-14*: No correcting lenses available and/or used when required
SAFA-A20-15: PIC aged 60 or more engaged in single pilot commercial air transport
SAFA-A20-16: Pilot aged 65 or more in commercial air transport
SAFA-A20-17: Spare correcting spectacles not available (for single pilot operations)
SAFA-A20-18: A valid and appropriate flight crew licence and/or medical certificate was issued but not carried on board at the time of the inspection.
SAFA-A20-19*: Insufficient number of flight crew members
Our Proof of Compliance:
Each pilot will have in his or her possession a valid license, medical certificate, valid radio transmitting license. Each pilot is evaluated at least annually during a type specific recurrent evaluation for language proficiency. Each pilot requiring the use of correcting spectacles will have a spare set.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A1-1.2.1
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-2.1.10
Std. ref: A1-6.1.1a,b
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-5.1.3
Std. ref: A1-APP 1
Std. ref: A6-I-3.1.8
Std. ref: A6-I-9.1.1
Std. ref: A6-I-9.1.2
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: A1-
Std. ref: CC-29c
Std. ref: CC-32a
Std. ref: CC-40
Issue: Flight Deck Markings
SAFA-A01-14: Operational flight deck markings and/or placards missing or incorrect
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft was certified with some limitations on the center windshield post:
We have one serial-number specific placard in the cockpit:

Photo: Cockpit internal placard, GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-30-00, figure 1, sheet 2
Other limitations are given in the AFM, made available to all pilots in the Gulfstream PlaneBook application:
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.1
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.1
Issue: Flight Deck Windows
SAFA-A01-07: Damage and/or delamination to flight deck windows (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our cockpit windows are inspected regularly and have not shown any signs of damage or delamination.
Citing Documents:
Issue: Flight Planning
SAFA-A13-01*: No copy of the operational flight plan retained on the ground
SAFA-A13-02*: Fuel calculation not in accordance with ICAO requirements, but total fuel on board at or above minimum ICAO requirements
SAFA-A13-03: ATC Flight plan incorrect
SAFA-A13-05: Content and use of the Operational Flight plan not in accordance with the operations manual
SAFA-A13-06: Fuel on board less than minimum ICAO requirements
SAFA-A13-07*: Flight crew unaware of the applicable departure, destination or alternate airports NOTAMs.
SAFA-A13-10*: Incorrect Operational Flight Plan
SAFA-A13-11*: No Operational Flight Plan
SAFA-A13-12*: Less than required or unsuitable alternate(s) airports selected
SAFA-A13-15: Performance and/or fuel calculation not available or significantly incorrect for the flight
SAFA-A13-16*: Required en-route alternate(s) (EDTO/ETOPS) not available
SAFA-A13-19*: Weather on required en-route alternate(s) below EDTO/ETOPS minima
SAFA-A13-20*: Required alternate airport(s) considered in OFP but not specified in the ATS flight plan
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our flight plans are filed automatically by ARINCDirect and the master flight plan does comply with the Annex 2 and EU requirements. Our fuel planning policies are in our Company Operations Manual section 4.5.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A2-2.3.2
Std. ref: A6-I-4.1.1
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-5.2.5
Std. ref: EUR
Std. ref: EUR
Std. ref: EUR
Issue: Fuel Checks / Fueling Operations
SAFA-A04-10: No procedures ensuring that in-flight fuel checks/fuel management checks are performed
SAFA-A13-21*: Fuel consumption monitoring not recorded or not performed in accordance with the approved procedures
SAFA-A13-23*: Qualified personnel not at their required positions when refuelling with passengers on board
SAFA-A13-25*: No two-way communication established with the ground crew during refuelling with passengers on board
Our Proof of Compliance:
The International Operations Manual (IOM) is located in the FOS App Documents folder:
Fuel management tasks are located in the IOM Sections
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: 6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Issue: General External Condition
SAFA-C01-01: Markings and/or placards not related to ground servicing required by the manufacturer not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C01-02*: Break-in point markings (if applied) faded or incorrectly marked
SAFA-C01-03: Paint damage with exposed composite (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C01-04: Poor condition of de-icing system
SAFA-C01-05: Ground servicing placards and markings not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C01-06: Significant corrosion
SAFA-C01-07: Major corrosion (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C01-08: Required aircraft lights unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions) or not displayed.
SAFA-C01-10: Static discharger(s) missing or damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C01-11: Antenna(s) missing or damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C01-12: Pressure port (and/or RVSM area) damaged or contaminated (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C01-13: Tail skid wear outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C01-16: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with minor influence on safety
SAFA-C01-17: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with significant influence on safety
SAFA-C01-18: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary or primary structure elements with major influence on safety
SAFA-C01-19: Bonding wires broken or missing with minor impact on flight safety
SAFA-C01-20: Bonding wires broken or missing with significant impact on flight safety
SAFA-C01-21: Bonding wires broken or missing with major influence on safety
SAFA-C02-02: Door handle(s), lever(s), access panel(s) not flush
SAFA-C02-03: Door operation instructions missing or unclear
SAFA-C02-04: Cargo door lock inspection glasses blind and no other means to verify locking position(s)
SAFA-C02-05: Door seal damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C02-06: Door(s) unserviceable outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C02-07: Bonding wires broken or missing with minor impact on flight safety
SAFA-C02-08: Bonding wires broken or missing with significant impact on flight safety
SAFA-C02-09: Bonding wires broken or missing with major impact on flight safety
SAFA-C02-10: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with minor influence on safety
SAFA-C02-11: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with significant influence on safety
SAFA-C02-12: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary or primary structure elements with major influence on safety
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is inspected annually by the manufacturer and any missing markings or placards are reapplied as needed.
The aircraft is inspected regularly and any corrosion, paint damage, inoperative lights, missing or damaged static dischargers, missing or damaged antennas, broken or missing bonding wires, damaged pressure ports or RVSM areas, loose or missing fasteners, or problems with the de-icing system is corrected immediately.
The aircraft does not have a tail skid.

Photo: GVII-G500 water and waste service placards, GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 2.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 1), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 1.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 2), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 2.
The aircraft was certified without any break-in marks.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.10
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.6.2, A8-V-7.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.6.2
Std. ref: SERA.3215
Issue: General Internal Condition
SAFA-B01-01: Equipment installations obviously not in compliance with Annex 8, Part IIIA/B, Chapter 4
SAFA-B01-02: Cabin interior layout obviously not furnished in accordance with certified
SAFA-B01-03: Smoke detection system not installed or inoperative (outside dispatch limits/conditions) and lavatory not placarded in compliance with MEL
SAFA-B01-04: Disposal receptacles not equipped with a serviceable built-in fire extinguisher system
SAFA-B01-05*: Crew carry-on baggage not adequately and securely stowed during flight
SAFA-B01-06: Loose or heavy objects in the cabin/galleys
SAFA-B01-07: Cabin equipment not properly secured
SAFA-B01-08*: Stowage of luggage or loose articles in the toilets
SAFA-B01-09*: Lavatory smoke detection system obstructed
SAFA-B01-10*: Lavatory inoperative (not placarded as such and not confirmed with MEL restrictions if any)
SAFA-B01-11: Galley or trolley (when used) waste receptacle access door cover inoperative
SAFA-B01-12: Damaged wall panels
SAFA-B01-13: Unserviceable brakes of service cart(s)
SAFA-B01-14: Covers damaged/missing exposing sharp edges and/or cables and wires
SAFA-B01-16: Lavatory waste receptacle access door cover inoperative
SAFA-B01-17: Safety markings and placards not applied or unreadable
SAFA-B14-01*: Passengers on board in excess of the number of available seats
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft interior was designed and outfitted by Gulfstream, the aircraft manufacturer. No subsequent modifications have been made. The aircraft is maintained according to the Gulfstream maintenance program by two full time mechanics. Disposal receptacles are as originally installed. Pilots perform a visual scan of the cabin prior to engine start and prior to landing to verify the cabin is secure and undamaged. We do have a Minimum Equipment List and our procedures would be to comply with its provisions in the even of an inoperative lavatory. We do not have galley carts.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.1.3
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2(c)(1)
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1
Std. ref: A6-I-4.8
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-1.5
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.6 (f)
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-1.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.2 (f)
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.1
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.6.2
Std. ref: A8-V-7.6.2
Std. ref: (E)TSO-C175 SAE AS8056 EUROCAE ED-121
Issue: General Operations
SAFA-E01-01: Aircraft not operated according to the manufacturer’s operating instructions during push-back, towing and/or taxiing.
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our crews are trained and evaluated every six months for proper operating procedures.
Citing Documents:
Issue: GPWS
SAFA-A03-04*: GPWS with forward looking terrain avoidance function not installed or unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft's original certification includes EGPWS, as evidenced by the following product specification extract:
The EGPWS database is updated regularly in accordance with the aircraft's Computerized Maintenance Program and the dates are checked prior to every flight via the cockpit Touch Screen Controllers:.
All installed equipment is operational, in accordance with GVII-G500 AFM, §01-03-10, Item 12, Table 2, unless Minimum Equipment List criteria are employed.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.4
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.6,
Std. ref: A6-I-6.15.8
Std. ref: A6-I-7.5.2
Issue: Hand Fire Extinguishers
SAFA-A15-01: HFE not at indicated location
SAFA-A15-02: HFE not marked with the appropriate operating instructions
SAFA-A15-03: Insufficient number of serviceable HFE
SAFA-A15-04: HFE not accessible
SAFA-B04-01: HFE not at indicated location
SAFA-B04-02: HFE not marked with the appropriate operating instructions
SAFA-B04-03*: Insufficient number of serviceable HFE
SAFA-B04-04: HFE not correctly secured
SAFA-B04-05: HFE not readily accessible
Our Proof of Compliance:
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2b
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2(b)(2)
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.6.1
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-6.3,
Std. ref: A8-V-6.3
Issue: Icing
SAFA-A13-08*: Flight operated in known icing conditions without suitable certification and/or equipment
SAFA-A13-09*: No icing inspection performed by crew or ground staff with ground icing conditions
SAFA-A13-22*: No intentions to request appropriate de-icing treatment
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Issue: Journey Log Book
SAFA-A21-01: Inconsistent data entered into the Journey log book
SAFA-A21-02: Flight details not recorded in a journey log book or General Declaration
SAFA-A21-03: Journey log book or equivalent not on board
SAFA-A21-04: Flight details not updated on EFB
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our logbook is maintained in our Flight Operations Software App and can be viewed by selected the particular flight date in the calendar and then selecting "Post Flight."
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.5.5
Std. ref: CC-29d
Std. ref: CC-34
Issue: Leakage
SAFA-C11-01: Leakage outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C11-02: Servicing doors/panels, drains blocked by ice or other debris
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is inspected regularly and any leakage or blocked drains are addressed immediately.
Citing Documents:
Issue: Life Jackets / Flotation Devices / Harnesses
SAFA-A16-01*: Life jackets/flotation devices not easily accessible when required for the type of flight
SAFA-A16-02*: Insufficient number of life jackets/flotation devices available and required for the type of flight
SAFA-A17-01*: Pilot harness does not incorporate an automatic restraining device
SAFA-A17-03*: No or unserviceable safety harness for each flight crew seat (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B05-01: Life jackets / flotation devices not easily accessible and required for the type of flight
SAFA-B05-02: Insufficient number of serviceable Life jackets / Flotation devices available and required for the type of flight
SAFA-B08-01*: No equipment for making the pyrotechnical distress signals when required for long-range over-water flights
SAFA-B08-02: Insufficient number of serviceable slides/slide rafts
SAFA-B08-03*: Insufficient number of serviceable rafts and required for long-range over water flights
SAFA-B08-04*: Insufficient number of compliant ELTs (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B08-05: ELT(s) not capable of simultaneously transmitting on 406 MHz and 121.5 MHZ
SAFA-B08-06*: No automatic ELT available when required
SAFA-B08-07: Portable ELT not at indicated location
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is equipped with a life vest for each seat.
The aircraft was certified with two life rafts installed and that is what we have.
Both pilots seats have operable harnesses.
We have a compliant ELT installed.
ETOPS is now referred to as Extended Diversion Time Operations ETDO in Annex 6 Volume I, which pertains only to commercial operations. The requirement does not exist in Annex 6 Volume II, which pertains to general aviation aircraft. We do not have an ETOPS program.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2.c3
Std. ref: A6-I-6.5.2
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.7
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3, A8-V-6.3, A8-IIIB-6.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-8.4
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.5.1(a)
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-8.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-6.3, A8-V-6.3
Std. ref: A6-I-6.17.2
Std. ref: A6-I-6.17.3
Std. ref: A6-I-6.17.4
Std. ref: A6-I-6.17.5
Std. ref: A6-I-6.17.6
Issue: Lights U/S
SAFA-A01-10: Lights U/S in warning panel (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is inspected regularly and any inoperative lights are replaced prior to flight.
Citing Documents:
Issue: Locking Crew Compartment Door
SAFA-A01-01*, SAFA-A01-09*: One or more door locking/un-locking mechanism not serviceable or present
SAFA-A01-02*, SAFA-A01-06*: No means for cabin crew to discretely notify cockpit crew of suspicious activity
SAFA-A01-03*, SAFA-A01-04*, SAFA-A01-05: No means for cockpit crew to monitor area behind door
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-13.2.1
Std. ref: A6-I-13.2.2
Std. ref: A6-I-13.2.3
Issue: Maintenance Release / Deferred Items
SAFA-A22-01*: PIC did not certify that s/he is satisfied that a maintenance release has been issued
SAFA-A23-01*: Defect deferred with a wrong AMM/SRM/MEL/CDL reference
SAFA-A23-02*: Item closed but not reported as such in the deferred defect list / hold item list
SAFA-A23-03*: Maintenance action not properly reported
SAFA-A23-04*: Maintenance action not properly reported
SAFA-A23-05*: Known defect not reported/assessed
SAFA-A23-06*: No evidence of identification nor monitoring of significant defect
SAFA-A23-07*: Deferred defect open while the MEL rectification interval has expired
SAFA-A23-08*: Technical logbook entry not understood by the flight crew members.
SAFA-A23-09*: Incorrect rectification interval applied (but still within the prescribed MEL interval)
SAFA-A23-10*: Required maintenance action not performed or not in accordance with applicable (MEL/AMM/SRM) instructions
SAFA-A23-11*: Maintenance action not performed by appropriately qualified personnel
SAFA-A23-12*: Defect deferred but without applying (correctly) the required (M), (O) and/or other procedures prescribed by the MEL.
SAFA-A23-13*: Maintenance personnel working on the aircraft without using appropriate tooling
SAFA-A23-15*: Technical logbook not updated on the EFB
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our MEL policies are located in the Company Operations Manual section 3.3. Our MEL is located in our ARINCDirect App:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1(a)(c)
Std. ref: A6-I-4.5.4
Std. ref: A6-I-8.1.2
Std. ref: A6-I-6.1.3
Std. ref: A6-I-8.1.4
Std. ref: A6-I-8.4
Std. ref: A6-I-8.5
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Issue: Manuals
SAFA-A04-01*: Incomplete parts of the operations manual pertaining to flight operations on board
SAFA-A04-02*: No operations manual (parts pertaining to flight operations) or Flight manual on board
SAFA-A04-04*: Operations manual not up to date
SAFA-A04-05*: Operations manual not issued by the current operator
SAFA-A04-07*: No or incomplete performance and limitations data on board
SAFA-A04-09*: Operations manual published in a language not understood by any of the flight crew members
SAFA-A04-11*: Flight crew not familiar with approved company procedures and manuals
Our Proof of Compliance:
The operations manual is located in the FOS Documents folder on each pilot's iPad. The manual has been vetted by several Safety Management System audits, including an initial and several recertifying Stage III compliance. The operations manual is issued by the operator. The operations manual is issued in English. The manual is automatically kept up-to-date through FOS. Performance and limitations are included in the AFM contained in each pilot's iPad.
The airplane flight manual is located in the PlaneBook App on each pilot's iPad.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.3ab
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-3.1.2
Issue: MEL
SAFA-A07-01*: MEL does not reflect aircraft configuration or the operations specifications
SAFA-A07-02*: MEL lacking (M) and/or (O) procedures when required (no deferred defect requiring such procedure)
SAFA-A07-03*: MEL lacking (M) and/or (O) procedures when required (with deferred defect requiring such procedure)
SAFA-A07-04*: MEL less restrictive than the MMEL (with deferred defects affected by the lower restrictions)
SAFA-A07-05*: MEL less restrictive than the MMEL (without deferred defects affected by the lower restrictions)
SAFA-A07-06*: MEL not available (no deferred defects)
SAFA-A07-07*: Some MEL items not fully customised (but no defects affecting those items)
SAFA-A07-08*: MMEL instead of MEL
SAFA-A07-09*: Some MEL items not fully customised (with defects affecting those items)
SAFA-A07-10*: MEL not available (with deferred defects)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft's MEL (D195) was written by the manufacturer and is kept up-to-date following any configuration changes.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.1.3
Issue: Navigation
SAFA-A06-01: Navigation database out of date, within limits but not recognised as such (prescribed operational procedures not applied)
SAFA-A06-02: Navigation database out of date (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-A06-03: Navigation database with incorrect routes/ procedures/ waypoints/ reporting points pertaining to the performed/intended flight
SAFA-A06-04: Required en-route charts out of date (navigation database up to date)
SAFA-A06-05: Required en-route charts and navigation database out of date
SAFA-A06-06: Required instrument charts not on board, or not available during critical phases of the flight
SAFA-A06-07: Required instrument charts (except en-route) out of date
SAFA-A06-08: Several sets of required instrument charts available in the flight deck, of which one (not in use) is out of date
Our Proof of Compliance:
The navigation database is updated regularly in accordance with the aircraft's Computerized Maintenance Program and the electronic navigation data is checked by the aircraft itself on a Touch Screen Controller and checked by pilots prior to every flight.
Additionally, it is tracked in the aircraft's Centralized Maintenance Program and by our dispatcher using Flight Operations Software.
The airplane has a complete library of the suitable charts, certified as its own back up. We also issue each pilot an independent subscription to the applicable charts libraries, maintained on individual iPads. The aircraft and is kept up-to-date as described in SAF-A06-02. The iPads are kept up-to-date by individual pilots who check revision status prior to each flight.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.3c
Std. ref: A6-I-7.5.2
Std. ref: A15-6.1.1
Issue: Noise
SAFA-A09-01: Documents attesting noise certification inaccurate, not on board or cannot be produced by the crew
SAFA-A09-02: No English translation of the noise certificate
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our noise certificate is kept under the documents/gvii-g500 tab of our ARINCDirect App, available on each pilot's iPad.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.13
Std. ref: A16-I-II-1.4
Std. ref: A16-I-II-1.5
Issue: Oxygen / PBE
SAFA-A18-01: Oxygen equipment not readily accessible and required for the type of flight
SAFA-A18-02*: Insufficient number of serviceable quick donning masks available
SAFA-A18-03*: Insufficient oxygen and/or serviceable oxygen masks
SAFA-A18-04*: Unserviceable oxygen system
SAFA-B09-01: Protective breathing equipment not at indicated location
SAFA-B09-02: Oxygen equipment not readily accessible and required for the type of flight
SAFA-B09-03*: Aeroplane not equipped with an automatic deployable oxygen system (individual CofA issued on or after 9 November 1998) and flight planned above FL 250
SAFA-B09-04*: Insufficient number of required serviceable automatic deployable oxygen dispensing units - individual CofA issued on or after 9 November 1998 (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B09-05: Oxygen equipment not adequately marked with its operating instructions
SAFA-B09-06: Insufficient oxygen quantity and/or serviceable oxygen masks required for the type of flight
SAFA-B09-07*: Insufficient oxygen (quantity and/or dispensing units) for all cabin crew and 10% of passengers (and required for the type of flight) – non-pressurized flight between FL 100 and FL 130, in excess of 30 min
SAFA-B09-08*: Automatic oxygen deploying system unserviceable (damaged/taped drop-out panels) outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-B09-09*: Oxygen dispensing equipment unserviceable (low pressure, clearly overdue, damaged) and not identified as
SAFA-B09-10: Oxygen bottles not correctly secured
Our Proof of Compliance:

Photo: Oxygen duration at 15,000' after a 6 minute descent, GVII-G500 AFM Supplement GV71468M001, Figure AO-3
The aircraft oxygen bottles are located under the floor, as shown, and are secured during aircraft initial construction and only accessed during extensive maintenance.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.7.1
Std. ref: A6-I-6.7.2
Std. ref: A6-I-6.7.5
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3
A8-IIIB-6.3, A8-V-6.3
Issue: Passenger Seats
SAFA-B06-01: No extension belts available on board when necessary
SAFA-B06-02: Passenger seats in poor condition
SAFA-B06-03: Strap or buckle worn out or damage
SAFA-B06-04: No serviceable seat belt available for each passenger on board
SAFA-B06-05: Seat(s) unserviceable and not identified as such (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B06-06: Seat(s)/berth(s) not certified to be installed on board of aircraft
SAFA-B06-07: Baby berth(s) used without restraining belts
Our Proof of Compliance:
We keep two seatbelt extension belts under the forward divan in the middle section cabinet. We do not have baby berth(s).
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2(c)
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.4.1
Issue: Pilots' vision
SAFA-A01-11: Cockpit installations significantly decreasing pilots vision
SAFA-A01-12: Windshield wipers/cleaning/drying system not installed or inoperative (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft was certified without a wipers/cleaning/drying system.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.6d
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.2d
Issue: Portable Lights
SAFA-A19-01: Serviceable independent portable light available to both pilots but not for other flight crew members during night operation
SAFA-A19-02: Independent portable lights not serviceable or readily available during night operation
SAFA-A19-03: Insufficient number of serviceable independent portable lights for all pilots during night operation
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-6.10f
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-8.3, A8-IIIB-6.3, A8-V-6.3
Issue: Powerplant and Pylon
SAFA-C07-01: Markings and/or placards not related to ground servicing required by the manufacturer not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C07-02: Ground servicing markings not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C07-03: Significant damage in the intake and exhaust area
SAFA-C07-04: Damage (dents, nicks, cracks) outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C07-05: Intake acoustic liners damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C07-06: Leakage (oil, fuel, hydraulics) outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C07-07: Panels/fairings/cowlings/handles misaligned or not flush outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C07-09: Thrust reverser/blocker doors not fully stowed
SAFA-C07-10: Loose and/or missing fastener with minor influence on safety
SAFA-C07-11: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with significant influence on safety
SAFA-C07-12: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary or primary structure elements with major influence on safety
SAFA-C07-13: Safety markings not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C08-01: Fan blade(s) LPT and HPT, IGV/OGV damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C08-02: Propeller de-icing system unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C08-03: Propeller(s) damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft is inspected regularly and any damage, leakage, and part misalignment is corrected immediately.

Photo: GVII-G500 water and waste service placards, GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 2.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 1), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 1.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 2), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 2.

Photo: GVII-G500 water and waste service placards, GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 2.
Thrust reverser doors that have not fully closed will cause a Crew Alerting System message, prompting the crew to address the issue. The aircraft is inspected regularly and any fan blade damage is addressed immediately. The aircraft is not equipped with propellers.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.6.2
Std. ref: A8-V-7.6.2
Issue: Preflight Inspection
SAFA-A24-01*: Pre-flight inspection performed but the pilot in command did not certify that he is satisfied that the aircraft is airworthy
SAFA-A24-02*: Pilot in command certified that he is satisfied that the aircraft is airworthy before the pre-flight inspection was performed
SAFA-A24-03*: Pre-flight inspection performed but without identifying significant defects
SAFA-A24-04*: Pre-flight inspection not performed
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1(a)(c)
Issue: Radio License
SAFA-A11-01: Incorrect information on the Radio Station Licence
SAFA-A11-02: A valid Radio Station Licence was issued but not carried on board at the time of the inspection.
SAFA-A11-03: No valid Radio Station Licence issued
SAFA-A11-04: Radio Station Licence on board expired
Our Proof of Compliance:
Our radio license is kept under the documents/gvii-g500 tab of our ARINCDirect App, available on each pilot's iPad.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: CC-29e
Std. ref: CC-30a
Issue: Repairs
SAFA-C09-01: Previous repair in poor condition
SAFA-C09-02: Repairs obviously not carried out in accordance with the applicable AMM/SRM
SAFA-C10-01: Obvious unrepaired damage, structural damage affecting the airworthiness of the aircraft
Our Proof of Compliance:
All repairs are completed in accordance with Gulfstream maintenance manual best practices.
Citing Documents:
Issue: Safety Instructions
SAFA-B10-01*: Insufficient safety briefing cards for all passengers on board
SAFA-B10-02*: Safety briefing cards in poor condition
SAFA-B10-03*: Safety briefing cards contain inaccurate information
SAFA-B10-04*: 'Fasten seat belt' sign(s) unserviceable
SAFA-B10-05*: 'Return to Seat' signs in lavatory unserviceable (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-B10-06*: No safety briefing cards on board
SAFA-B10-07*: Safety briefing cards not for the correct aircraft type and/or configuration
Our Proof of Compliance:
The briefing cards were provided by the manufacturer and the cabin remains in its original configuration. The cards are in good condition. All signs are checked for operation on a regular basis.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-6.2.2 (d)
Issue: Stowage of Loose Items in Cabin
SAFA-A01-08: Interior equipment and/or other object(s) not correctly secured or stowed during flight
Our Proof of Compliance:
The crew monitors the interior to ensure nothing will impair egress following an abrupt stop.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.6.(c), A8-IIIB-4.2.(c)
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-, A8-IIIB-4.6.1
Issue: Undercarriage
SAFA-C05-01: Markings and/or placards not related to ground servicing required by the manufacturer not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C05-02: Safety lock pin(s) missing or defective
SAFA-C05-03: Gear strut valve cap(s) missing
SAFA-C05-04: Water/debris deflectors damaged or missing outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C05-05: Lines, hoses electrical wiring chafed
SAFA-C05-06: Ground servicing markings not applied or unreadable
SAFA-C05-07: Significant corrosion
SAFA-C05-08: Major corrosion (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C05-09: Seepage/leakage outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C05-10: Strut pressure outside dispatch limit/conditions
SAFA-C05-11: Safety markings not applied or unreadable
Our Proof of Compliance:
Safety lock pins and other components are inspected regularly. Any missing or defective pins are replaced immediately.

Photo: GVII-G500 water and waste service placards, GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 2.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 1), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 1.

Photo: GVII-G500 fuel service placards (sheet 2), GVII-G500 Maintenance Manual, §11-20-00, figure 3, sheet 2.
The aircraft does not have water/debris deflectors installed.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-9.6.2
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-7.6.2
Std. ref: A8-V-7.6.2
Issue: VHF 8.33
SAFA-A03-05: From 1 January 2018 an operator shall not operate an aircraft in airspace where carriage of radio is required unless aircraft radio equipment has the 8. 33 kHz channel spacing capability.
Our Proof of Compliance:
8.33 kHz channel spacing capability is installed, as is evidenced by a view of the radio settings shown here:
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: Reg. 1079/2012, Art. 5
Issue: Weather
SAFA-A13-13*: Flight took off or continued beyond the point of in-flight replanning while data indicated that DES meteorological conditions were below minima
SAFA-A13-14*: Take-off intended while data indicates that DEP/DES meteorological conditions are below minima (and in-flight replanning not allowed)
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.1.1
Std. ref: A6-I-4.1.4
Std. ref: A6-I-4.1.5
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Std. ref: A6-I-
Issue: Weight and Balance
SAFA-A14-01*: Incorrect mass and/or balance calculations, within a/c limits, and having minor effect on the performance calculations.
SAFA-A14-02*: Incorrect mass and/or balance calculations, within a/c limits, but significantly affecting the performance calculations.
SAFA-A14-03*: Insufficient data to enable the crew to check the Mass & balance calculations
SAFA-A14-04*: Mass and balance outside operational limits
SAFA-A14-05*: Load sheet does not reflect actual load distribution but within A/C limits
SAFA-A14-06*: No mass and balance calculations performed
SAFA-A14-07*: No completed mass and balance sheet on board
SAFA-A14-10*: Load sheet does not reflect actual load distribution with major impact on trim setting
Our Proof of Compliance:
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A6-I-4.3.1(d)(e)
Std. ref: A6-I-5.2.7
Issue: Wheel Well
SAFA-C06-01: Landing gear door(s) damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C06-02: Obvious lack of lubrication of hinge(s), actuator(s)
SAFA-C06-04: Significant corrosion
SAFA-C06-05: Major corrosion (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C06-06: Landing gear emergency spring lock(s) broken/unserviceable
SAFA-C06-07: Seepage/leakage outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C06-08: Bonding wires broken or missing with minor impact on flight safety
SAFA-C06-09: Bonding wires broken or missing with significant impact on flight safety
SAFA-C06-10: Bonding wires broken or missing with major impact on flight safety
SAFA-C06-11: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with minor influence on safety
SAFA-C06-12: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary structure with significant influence on safety
SAFA-C06-13: Loose and/or missing fastener on secondary or primary structure elements with major influence on safety
Our Proof of Compliance:
All aircraft structures are inspected regularly for damage, lubrication, corrosion, leakage, missing parts, or other anomalies and are corrected immediately.
* The given standards from Annex 6, Volume I, which pertain to commercial aircraft, and are not duplicated in Annex 6, Volume II, which apply to general aviation aircraft.
Citing Documents:
Std. ref: A8-IIIA-4.1.4
Std. ref: A8-IIIB-4.1.5
Std. ref: A8-V-4.1.5
Issue: Wheels, tires and brakes
SAFA-C04-01: Brake wear indicator pin(s) missing (at least one pin remaining) and not recorded
SAFA-C04-02: Tyre inflation valve(s) cap missing
SAFA-C04-03: Brake assembly bleed valve dust cap(s) missing
SAFA-C04-04: Brake(s) unserviceable and not recorded
SAFA-C04-05: Damaged or missing parts outside limits (i.e. bolts, heat sensors) and not recorded
SAFA-C04-06: Leaking hydraulic braking system (outside dispatch limits/conditions)
SAFA-C04-07: Nose landing gear wheel snubbers worn outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C04-08: Tyre pressure obviously outside dispatch limits/conditions
SAFA-C04-09: Tyre(s) unserviceable (worn or damaged) and not recorded
SAFA-C04-10: Rim damaged outside dispatch limits/conditions
Our Proof of Compliance:
The aircraft brake assemblies are inspected regularly and any defects are corrected immediately..
The tire pressures are available on cockpit Touch Screen Controllers. (Note, nose gear transducer wire on steering link must be connected first.)
The aircraft was certified without nose landing gear wheel snubbers.
Citing Documents:
(Source material)
EU SAFA Inspection Instructions on the Categorisation of Ramp Inspection Findings, INST.RI.01/003, 20/03/2019
Gulfstream GVII-G500 Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Revision 4, June 28/19
Gulfstream GVII-G500 Airplane Flight Manual, Revision 4, August 29, 2019
InFO 20003, Information for Operators, U.S. Operator Responsibilities Associated with the European Union Ramp Inspection Program (RIP), formerly referred to as EU's Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) RIP.
Ops Group, Avoiding the Pain of a Ramp Check
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